Top AI Priorities Digital Trust Pros Should Have on Their 2024 To-Do List

Author: ISACA
发表日期: 2月5日

New ISACA expert perspectives also weigh in on privacy, cybersecurity, audit 新年的重点

美国伊利诺斯州绍姆堡 The past year brought a historic level of artificial intelligence advancement with the introduction and meteoric rise of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. As digital trust professionals anticipate further developments in this space, 采取措施为风险做好准备是很重要的, 监管, 框架, 数据治理和与人工智能相关的劳动力, ISACA专家Goh Ser yong说.

The following are key items that digital trust professionals should have on their to-do list for 2024, 据Goh说, 合规主管, ADVANCE.AI, and member of the ISACA Emerging Trends Working Group: 

  1. Be vigilant against AI-generated deepfakes and misinformation: It is becoming increasingly easy for bad actors to mislead the public with scams that can be spread through fake videos and misinformation (to include disinformation) created through AI technology. Goh emphasizes that individuals play a key role in verifying the credibility of the information they consume.
  2. 请密切关注即将出台的人工智能相关法规: Goh predicts that 2024 will bring about more guardrails via AI 监管s, and all digital trust pros—whether they are a developer or CEO—must stay abreast of changes in the regulatory landscape.
  3. 要意识到围绕人工智能使用的不断变化的风险: New risk is emerging as different forms of generative AI are created.. Digital trust professionals need to be knowledgeable about the risks associated with generative AI and their respective impact to organizations and society.
  4. Strengthen data 治理 by understanding AI models and decision-making数据完整性对人工智能至关重要. Goh notes that users should have visibility into the data used to train an AI model and the factors that are influencing its outputs to ensure it is trustworthy, 具有代表性和公平性, and its outcomes and decisions are reliable and free of bias.
  5. 确保人工智能系统的安全性和弹性: Digital trust professionals must take steps to make sure that AI systems—such as those used in self-driving cars—are working as they should and perform safely under a range of circumstances. 建立质量保证和测试技能, as well as understanding existing 监管s that guide AI safety, will be important for digital trust pros to develop this year and onward.
  6. Fill AI knowledge gaps—yours or your team’s—with training:根据ISACA最近的报告 生成式人工智能脉冲轮询, only six percent of organizations are providing training to all staff on AI, 54%的人表示没有提供人工智能培训, 即使是直接受AI影响的团队. Building talent that has the right toolset to work with AI and to understand and mitigate various types of associated risk is critical. Goh says that resources available through industry associations like ISACA—which has new AI courses coming this year—can be helpful for growing these skills.

“一开始是OpenAI和ChatGPT, it was like a new race car that everyone wanted to try,Goh说。. “But like people not fully understanding a car’s buttons or tech, 或者它对他们或他们周围环境的影响, we did not completely comprehend the features or full repercussions of this generative AI. 在来年, our approach to generative AI should be to not fully take our foot off the pedal, 但是慢下来,观察它对我们做了什么, 就像那辆赛车一样.”

Additional ISACA experts explored their top five 2024 priorities in other key areas in a related 博客系列,包括:

  • Audit: Veronica Rose emphasizes the necessity for auditors to take care of themselves and their mental health as a key priority in 2024.
  • 网络安全: Sandeep Godbole recommends architecting security for the cloud and refocusing security on the human element as priorities for the coming year.
  • Privacy: Gary Carrera highlights the importance of championing ethical data use and ethical AI in the new year.
  • Risk: Mary Carmichael notes that embracing strategic thinking and business acumen, including by leveraging tools like ISACA’s Risk IT Framework, is one of the key items risk management professionals should have on their to-do list.

阅读Goh在ISACA上关于人工智能优先事项的文章 here. 更多的人工智能内容,比如最近的白皮书, The Promise and Peril of the AI Revolution: Managing Risk,网址为 ISACA is continuing to expand its AI resources in 2024, including the release of a suite of courses starting in early Q2.


ISACA® ( is a global community advancing individuals and organizations in their pursuit of digital trust. 50多年了, ISACA has equipped individuals and enterprises with the knowledge, 凭证, education, 培训和澳门赌场官方下载发展他们的事业, 改变他们的组织, 建立一个更可信、更有道德的数字世界. ISACA is a global professional association and learning organization that leverages the expertise of its 170,000 members who work in digital trust fields such as information security, 治理, assurance, risk, 隐私和质量. It has a presence in 188 countries, including 225 chapters worldwide. 通过其基金会One In Tech, ISACA supports IT education and career pathways for underresourced and underrepresented populations.


